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New translations of Books I thought I had read! Tarzan King of the Apes: I read Tarzan when I was young and recently found out I missed a few Chapters! Some years ago the Danish publishers Klim sent out a new translation of Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarcan King of the Apes, translated by Allan Hilton Andersen. When I read it I found a couple of chapters I had never seen before (I have all the first 19 books published in Denmark by the publishers Frederik E. Pedersens forlag). Pippi Longstocking And Ronja the Robbers Daughter: In Denmark we recently saw a new translation of Astrid Lindgren's books by Kina Bodenhoff. I haven't read them yet but they do say that Pippi is even more outrageous and badly behaved than in the original Danish translation, and in the book about Ronja we have supposedly missed quite a bit if we only know the old translation. I am looking forward to reading these books, I may even learn a few more naughty tricks. Happy Reading. Lea Thume. Thume Translations, Kingosvej 27, 9760 Vrå. CVR: 33795610 Lea Thume: Mobil + 45 21 30 44 21 E-mail lea@thume.dk |